Jan 1

KissmeFish is a new product made for fishing with a motto “A small net instead of the hooks”. The catch is reported to experience no trauma due to the way the net envelops the fish. Standard nets or hooks injure fish, and KissmeFish is manufactured in a way that it holds fish safely, yet gently and carefully.

The instructions are simple. First of all, the device should be removed from the package and laid out. Then it is necessary to attach the end of the fishing line (able to support at least 40 lb) to the ring on the main float. On the net itself or the fishing line near the net, some live or artificial bait may be attached. After that, the net should be thrown into the water, with or without the help of the reel or the rod.

Careful instructions are given with the device along with several tips. Before purchasing this product, fishermen should check the laws of the fishing net in their county. If you are interested in this product, visit the website http://www.sintelex.com/kissmefish/

or call the number 212-300-7273 to purchase this unique and useful device.